John beveger seg rundt om i leiren i en rullestol. Foto: Flyktninghjelpen/Emebet Abdissa

Johns valg

Emebet Abdissa|Publisert 12. aug. 2015
Han ville ikke bare leve av stønad. John kunne aldri tenke seg et liv uten jobb. I dag har han skapt sin egen vellykkede bedrift.
John Muhamed was born and raised in Ethiopia by a Sudanese father and an Ethiopian mother. He moved to Sudan when he was six years old. Now 21 years old, John came back to Ethiopia as a refugee four years ago and settled in Sherkole refugee camp. 
In Sudan, John got assistance from the government because of his disability and never worked. When he first arrived in the refugee camp, he lived on the aid he received as well, before deciding to do something two years ago. He started buying and selling of goods and saved a small amount of money that initiated him to start his bread-baking business.  The 1500 ETB and the business training he got from Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) also helped.  Because of the startup money, he was able to buy few materials for baking bread and hire people to assist him distribute and sell.