
Tema Mexico


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Protection Snapshot: Extortion: a key trigger of internal displacement and forced migration in Central America and Mexico

19. juni 2020
In communities controlled by criminal groups in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, extortion is a part of daily life. People with small businesses, people working in public transportation, residents and children are particularly affected, and often have to close their businesses or be confined to their homes. Extortion is also one of the main reasons why people have to flee their homes in the North of Central America, as well as one of the main crimes that people are subjected to during displacement and migration through Mexico.

Vårt arbeid i det nordlige Mellom-Amerika og Mexico

27. juni 2017
Over 1,2 millioner mennesker har blitt drevet på flukt i El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala og Mexico.

Sentralamerikanere nektes asyl og nødhjelp

23. september 2019
Desperate sentralamerikanske familier som flykter fra vold blir nektet retten til beskyttelse. Militærstyrker, piggtrådgjerder og grensemurer tvinger stadig flere tilbake til usikkerhet.

Protection Snapshot 9: The Impact of Violence on the Right to Health for Displaced Persons in the North of Central America and Mexico

26. august 2020
In communities controlled by criminal groups in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, there are significant barriers to accessing the right to health. This can trigger internal and cross-border displacement, but fleeing to a neighbouring country, such as Mexico, does not guarantee access to adequate healthcare.

Protection Snapshot: Extortion: a key trigger of internal displacement and forced migration in Central America and Mexico

19. juni 2020
In communities controlled by criminal groups in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, extortion is a part of daily life. People with small businesses, people working in public transportation, residents and children are particularly affected, and often have to close their businesses or be confined to their homes. Extortion is also one of the main reasons why people have to flee their homes in the North of Central America, as well as one of the main crimes that people are subjected to during displacement and migration through Mexico.

– Det eneste alternativet var å forlate landet mitt

07. mars 2025
Jeg er fra Honduras, fra Choluteca-regionen. En dag tidlig i 2018 var jeg i en butikk i landsbyen min for å kjøpe mat, da noen gutter kom for å rane stedet. De angrep meg, og jeg ble skutt fire ganger. Takket være et mirakel er jeg fortsatt her og kan fortelle historien. Det jeg ikke visste da, var at dette bare var begynnelsen på mange vonde opplevelser – og ikke engang den verste.